The Fallen Evangelist written by William Austen (ebook)
The Fallen Evangelist written by William Austen (ebook)
"The Fallen Evangelist" is a compelling and inspiring journey of William Austen, who faced despair and ruin but found redemption in Jesus Christ. Satan tried to stop and kill William because he was a serious soul winner for our King Jesus Christ. Through personal struggles, tragedies, and triumphs, William's story showcases the power of faith, love, and resilience.
In this book, the author also reveals the subtle vices and loopholes of the enemy and testifies about the Lord's mercy on his life when he was lured back to sin.
This book offers deep spiritual insights, riveting personal accounts, and thought-provoking teachings, inviting readers to explore the transformative and life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a poignant and uplifting narrative that resonates with the human longing for hope, purpose, and divine grace.